Our Missionaries

Dr. Jack T. Ferguson

I was born in Columbus, Ohio in 1957. The family moved to the northwest suburbs of Chicago in 1962. Raised in a moral, but lost Episcopalian family, I first heard a clear gospel presentation in a mission house in Clearwater, Florida after leaving home at age 19. That was in 1976, however, I did not get saved until May of 1982, there in Clearwater. 

I returned to Chicagoland in June of 1985, and almost immediately joined Northwest Bible Baptist Church, which was located in a rented school at the time, in the northwest suburbs. That was in July of 1985. I got involved in the soul winning program and won a visitor contest, which earned me a free trip to Pastor’s School in Hammond, Indiana, March 1986.

It was on the final night of Pastor’s School I surrendered to preach, and the very next night I was invited to travel with Evangelist Dr. Joe Boyd. I then traveled and trained with Bro. Boyd until the fall of 1988, at which time I enrolled in the spring semester of Hyles-Anderson College, graduating in May of 1993. During this time, I was blessed to win my future bride to Christ while out knocking on doors! She was my first convert in Spanish.

We had started a Spanish Jr. church in 1990, and then in my senior year of college I became the Spanish Pastor in 1992, where I continued to serve until 1996. God had been dealing with me about going to Mexico, and finally in 1999 I answered His call, selling our home and going into full-time deputation in 2000.

Just 10 months after beginning full-time deputation, we left for San Luis Potosí, Mexico in 2001, where I served as director of a children’s home, as a professor in a Bible Institute, and worked at planting churches in smaller villages of the state until 2006. We then went to Tabasco, Mexico where we planted two more churches and started another Bible Institute.

We then began to put together an evangelistic rally ministry in southeast Mexico, which didn’t fully come into being for a couple years, but is now averaging about 300 decisions for Christ monthly, through the great work of a young Mexican Evangelist who is heading up that ministry.


In 2016 we were led to help operate a scripture transport and distribution ministry, of which I became the field director for Gospel Transport & Distribution International, which is aimed primarily at the Spanish speaking world at the moment, through which many millions of portions of scripture have been distributed throughout Mexico and on into Central America. We’re praying that the Lord will allow us to expand our ministry to reach all parts of the globe eventually… 

For my education, apart from the best training, which comes from active service in the ministry, God has since allowed me to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree in Theology, a PhD in Christian Education and an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree. 

To God be the glory, great things He hath done!!

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Rodney Madden

Hi, I am Rodney Madden, I’m a missionary with Gospel Transport and Distribution International. Sent from the Bible Baptist Church of Rendon, Texas.

Just a little bit about myself...

Before I was saved, I was a drug addict and alcoholic. But by Grace the undeserving forgiveness of God. Through faith, believing Jesus Christ is the Son of God, dying on the cross for my sins and raised the 3rd day to give me eternal life, and with the power of the Holy Spirit in me, I have been clean and sober 40+ years.

In my 30s and only able to read on a 2nd or 3rd grade level, and with a desire to read the Bible for myself and learn more about God, I went to night school and got my basic education. Then on to college, first to the Southern Baptist Seminary, then Liberty Bible College finishing at Grand Canyon University, obtaining about 15 years of formal education and training. Studying Theology, Christian Ministry, Church planning, and Outreach.

I have served as an Outreach Minister, Youth Minister, Teacher, Bible school Director, church janitor, and groundskeeper.

I have worked with Sid Madden, my brother and the founder of Gospel Transport, and his son Jason Madden over the years. About 2 years after my wife passed away, I decided to go full-time in the Ministry.

Sid put me to work in March of 2016, mowing, weed-eating, packing and repacking Gospel literature to be shipped. I also stayed busy helping Jason gather scripture from different printers and churches, taking them to a staging area to be shipped to the US, Mexico border.

After just over a year working with Sid and Jason at the storage area in Winchester Ohio, God opened a door, allowing me to move to Texas, where I have stayed busy handling out tracks and Gospel booklets in the flea markets, as well as in the streets and villages on both sides of the border. I work at helping to supply churches with Gospel literature for their outreach ministries.

Praise God and give him all glory.
